To beget
When we read John 3:16
For GOD so loved the world that He sent His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but shall receive eternal life.
To fully understand this verse, it is important to understand the meaning of this word, begotten.
According to the dictionary, it means to bring forth especially that of a father to child.
The synonyms is to sire. A man sires or begets that which is of the same nature as him(human begets human).
If GOD sent forth His only begotten son, this means , He who is of the same nature as Him.
This is further demonstrated clearly in Philippians 2:6,
Shows the nature of Christ before coming to earth 🌍 and how He did not consider this a thing to be grasped,(to be the same nature as GOD) but instead accepted to die on the cross to save humanity.